BBC Typography Workshop 02

Paul wrote and facilitated a number of workshops for the new BBC Reith typeface with various in-house BBC design teams, so he was excited to return to write a new typography workshop that built upon and expanded the ideas and approaches explored in the previous workshops.
This new workshop was focused on typography within a television broadcast context; how can the typeface be most effectively used screen based and in moving image. Paul worked closely with Dawn Lathey, Janet Jones and Rachel Kruyer of the BBC News Visual Journalism team.
The workshop was designed to be hands on, fast-paced and engaging, each task was carried out was with a different person, so by the end of the workshop everyone got to work with everyone else. The focus was to explore how to use the new font with different content and to different audiences. The tasks were:
01. Numbers & stats
02. Titles & subtitles
03. Quotes & emphasis
04. Bullet points
05. Text & image
06. Branding & sting end frame
07. Feedback & review
It yielded lots of exciting outcomes, questions and discussions. Here are some of the results:
Tasks 01 & 02

Action shots!